How the Bankruptcy Process is Unique for LGBT Individuals
Individuals who identify as LGBT face a number of unique obstacles in every area of their lives, including filing for bankruptcy. Statistics compiled by the William Institute have revealed that the poverty rate for same-sex couples is higher than for individuals in heterosexual relationships. When a person is unable to meet daily living expenses, it is common to end up facing debt, which can lead to bankruptcy. The purpose of this article is review some of the challenges faced by LGBT individuals when it comes to bankruptcy, including situations in which one or both spouses in a same-sex marriage file for bankruptcy.
Filing for Bankruptcy as a Same-Sex Couple
In the case of Obergefell v. Hodges, the United States Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment requires all states in the country to permit same-sex couples to marry as well as to recognize same-sex marriages from any other state. As a result of this decision, bankruptcy law now regards same-sex couples in the same way as married heterosexual couples. Unmarried LGBT individuals, however, are unable to file joint bankruptcy petitions. This means that even if an LGBT couple has been together for years or decades, they will still be unable to file for bankruptcy jointly.
Same-Sex Couples and the Means Test
No matter if a same-sex or heterosexual married couple is involved, the means test used to determine eligibility for Chapter 7 bankruptcy remains the same. As a result, if a same-sex couple is married, the income of both parties influences income calculations. Conversely, if a same-sex couple is not married and lives together, only the amount that the non-filing partner contributes to the couple’s household expenses will be considered under the means test.
Filing for Bankruptcy When a Same-Sex Spouse Does Not
In situations in which only partner in any marriage owes debt, it is often a wise idea for only that individual to file for bankruptcy. Only the spouse who files for bankruptcy will have his or her debts discharged, and the other spouse’s debts will remain. Because California is a community property state, a single same-sex spouse sometimes might also benefit from filing for bankruptcy due to debts that are shared between the couple. This is because in community property states, all property belonging to a married couple is classified as part of a bankruptcy even if one spouse files for bankruptcy.
Deciding on Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
There are advantages to both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which include the following:
Same-Sex Couple and Bankruptcy Exceptions
When one spouse in a same-sex marriage files for bankruptcy, this often does not affect the other spouse. There are, however, exceptions. In cases involving joint debt, it is common for one spouse’s debt to appear on the other spouse’s credit report. Any joint debts that are discharged in bankruptcy, however, will also be discharged for the non-filing spouse.
Speak with a Skilled Bankruptcy Attorney
The bankruptcy process is particularly complex. If you have questions or concerns about this process, do not hesitate to contact attorney Melanie Tavare today to schedule a free initial consultation.
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