Are you struggling with medical bills, credit cards, or other unexpected expenses? Sometimes even careful financial planning isn’t enough to prevent debt from accumulating when times get tough. However, it is important to remember that there are options that can help reduce your debt. Bankruptcy is one such option, and over one million people file for bankruptcy each year.
If you need help dealing with your debt, contact a San Leandro bankruptcy attorney today. The Law Offices of Melanie Tavare have years of experience helping residents in San Leandro and the surrounding communities in Alameda County with their bankruptcy needs. We have helped many people who are struggling with debt to get a fresh start in Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
People often have negative associations with the word “bankruptcy.” Many people believe that if they file for bankruptcy, they will never be able to rebuild their credit or make big purchases, such as a house or car in the future. This is simply not true. Bankruptcy exists to help debtors get rid of their debt so that they can move forward with their lives. Although it can take time to rebuild credit after a bankruptcy, it is possible with good financial planning.
Filing for bankruptcy can be an opportunity for residents of San Leandro to take control of their financial future. Although bankruptcy may not be the right solution for everyone, an experienced bankruptcy lawyer in San Leandro can help by looking at your particular situation to advise you if filing for bankruptcy is right for you.
Finances vary a great deal from person to person based on income, amount of debt, type of debt, and assets. Luckily, there are different types of bankruptcy that are tailored to people in different situations. The two primary types of bankruptcy that are available for individuals in San Leandro are Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is generally a good option for people who have a large amount of debt and income that is below the average in California. Chapter 7 may be able to wipe away much of the debt, and a bankruptcy attorney can advise you on whether your assets will be protected by California’s system of property exemptions.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is another type of bankruptcy in which a debtor proposes a payment plan to their creditors. This can be a good fit for debtors who have income and the ability to repay some of their debts. At the end of the payment plan, remaining unsecured debt can be wiped away.
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, contact the Law Offices of Melanie Tavare today. Filing for bankruptcy may be just the solution you are looking for. We are proud to offer bankruptcy advice to members of the San Leandro community. If you would like to speak to an experienced bankruptcy attorney, contact us online or call at 510-255-4646 to see how we can help today.
The Law Offices of Melanie Tavare are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.